Jorge Lorenzo ‘graffiti’ helmet design - The pattern was put together by down syndrome sufferer Anna Vives.
This is awesome
Man Guzzi makes some beautiful engines. This is a nice bike.
Excellent place to ride this bike #kona #cyclocross (at Apple Inc.)
Per-spec-tive (at Gracywoods Park)
Miley Cyrus and Iron Maiden and boobside flashing
the absolute only way possible I reblog a miley cyrus picture…
[audio https://www.tumblr.com/audio_file/mellowdave/52684182029/tumblr_mo7m7dcb9h1r5jtiw?plead=please-dont-download-this-or-our-lawyers-wont-let-us-host-audio]
Photographs taken inside musical instruments making them look like large and spacious rooms.
mierswa kluska.