Buick Sport Wagon Version 2: Supreme wheels, custom panel paint on gold base
Dura Ace, stunning
People have been remembering Robin’s comedic works all day. But I keep going back to this movie because it’s still my favorite of his dramatic roles. It’s probably the most visually brilliant movie ever made. And the story seems so relevant right now because it’s about death and suicide and moving on and keeping hold of ones we love.
I’ve always wanted to see that, partially because it looks visually dazzling, partially because it deals with themes that interest me, and partially because I suspect it’s been mocked unfairly.
I still can’t get my head around this thing. I can’t imagine what drove Robin to where he found himself this morning.
Peace is very hard to come by, peace of mind, that much harder yet, well nigh impossible at times, but let me say this, if you’re out there, one of my many brothers and sisters, and you find yourself in this place, just call me up. Hit me up on Facebook, shoot me a tweet. Carrier pigeon, smoke signals, beat on my door.
We’ll go for a bike ride. Or get a coffee, or a beer. Or “go over to Harvahd and beat up some smahtkids”. Were in this together.
You’re never really alone. Ever.
To Mr Williams, we will truly and deeply miss you. Peace to you, and to those who loved you tonight, and tomorrow.