I love Cherry Blossoms
I love Cherry Blossoms
Lake Louise, Banff National Park, Alberta Canada (by (Ashley))
this just screams Northwest to me. These were the places I heard about as a kid.
This is how I feel already and December has barely started.
Time to decompress a little…today has been a crazy, twist me tight kind of day. and Im wrapped pretty damn tight. A little java, and a spin with lola, and it will all be ok, at least for a while…
Debbie Allen (My Brother) Me
My youth
First in the water today. The water is perfect, smooth, still, like glass. The air isn’t filled with moisture yet, you still feel that you can do anything, like a white piece of paper, and a fresh pencil.
Tonight, tonight, tonight….
got a little knackered.
Tonight’s haul (at casa de Cazadore)
Leinenkugels and my #HersheyBears hat win the first round…but…