It is the want of happiness that makes one unhappy, not the absence of it.
Is the process more important than the product?
I’m decompressing to some of the best come-down music ever written and recorded. Moonlight Sonata. (Ludwig Van - obviously)
One should never underestimate the restorative powers of a truly hot shower. Even if that shower is taken in what could pass for a Sadam-era murder chamber.
We are having one of those days that defines spring time in Texas. We need the rain, and we love just sitting around on these days spending time together.
falcon 9 starlink launch
Some super cool footage from the Falcon 9 launch tonight. This booster has flown 7 times before.
Next up!
SpaceX Falcon 9 Starlink Mission.
Chinese Long March 5B
watching the Chinese launch a Long March 5B with the first module of their new space station.
Tornado Watch
woohoo! tornados. I understand one from this supercell was pretty destructive out west of us so it makes sense.
Big Weather Night
Looks like one of those nights for us.
KGRK - Super-Res Reflectivity Tilt 1 20:02 CDT #txwx
Had some fun today.
Soon my dear, soon.
lovely morning
I like to sit out here in the mornings and take it all in. Today is threatening rain, and the humidity is high, but it’s a lovely morning.
Delta IV Heavy
I appointment view pretty much any rocket launch conducted from the continental US. I just watched ULA launch a Delta IV Heavy from Vandenberg, CA, with a National Reconnaissance Office payload. I believe that was the first time I’ve ever seen a D IV launch without delay.
We had a relatively short weekend. I took Friday off work since the whole family was getting vaccine dose two on Thursday. Given my experiences having been sick for two days, it seemed prudent. Thankfully they came through with only some fever and headaches.
We (well, by “we” I mean NASA via the JPL, and Ames aeronautics) flew a freakin’ helicopter on MARS.
Well, it was an interesting weekend. Too short, as always, but somewhat rewarding and generally enjoyable. We closed it all out last night with a bit of dim sum.
I’ve been thumbing through the users that I see with similiar interests to me, so I have been following a few folks here the last two days. Hopefully this is the preffered method of developing this little network, and no one takes offense to it.
The weather is not on my side today it would appear, so a trainer day it is.
I got over it - the procrastination that is…
I’m currently procrastinating on going for an hour long bike ride. Some sort of nonsense in my mind about needed to “decompress” before I go…
Work and the day off.
I felt a need to put quotes around the “day off” portion of that sentence. Before one can consider answering it, you have to consider the phrase’s definition. I mean, a day off what? Work? There is work everywhere. When I come home each day, I know I have enough work waiting for me to never face much “leisure” time in my foreseeable future.
Is it time away from my paying job? Well, I can make a strong argument that work done to improve my home will be more valuable than my salary at some point. With the pandemic pushing folks to work away from work for over a year now, there is a new normal.
I think we are at a point where we redefine the nature of “work.”
Hello World!