Knowledge without mileage equals bullshit H.Rollins
Maybe it will rain today after all…
KGRK - Super-Res Reflectivity Tilt 1 16:19 CDT #txwx
We had COVID run rampant through the house again this week. I think it has finally run it’s course now, and on the bright side, we should get like 90 days of near invulnerability!
I have to say, I’m enjoying these morning storms quite a bit.
KGRK - Super-Res Reflectivity Tilt 1 06:59 CDT #txwx
Got a nice little dousing of unexpected, but VERY welcome rain this morning.
Looks like it might be one of those nights…
KGRK - Super-Res Reflectivity Tilt 1 23:42 CDT #txwx
I’ve spent thirty years as an airborne infantryman, I’m a combat veteran, Jumpmaster, Pathfinder, with a CIB and I just woke from a dream where I was fighting a losing battle with a set of mini blinds to get them to hang straight.
My son spent his birthday today laid up with a 101-102 degree fever. Not COVID, we tested first thing this morning, but he’s pretty sick just the same. Seems to be some respiratory bug, cough, body aches, congestion.
He’s in a good mood despite it all, he’s a resilient fellow.
Perhaps I am indeed becoming an old man. I am spending my Friday night reading about Nazi Germany and drinking tea… and I wear readers… #readgoodbooks #dontrepeathistory
“Russian warship, go fuck yourself”
I’m fascinated with the @historyhit Shackleton expedition. It’s pretty very super cool.
It’s 30 degrees and snowing. In Texas.
Time to find some nice documentaries and settle in.
I guess since I’ve given up jumping out of airplanes, I’m going to need a new brutally fast motorcycle…
We are limited animals, with unlimited horizons.
E Becker.
Is cat, or is flamingo?
This is the way
It’s rough out there this morning, don’t drive angry.
Well, it’s Groundhog Day.
I really hate being sick.
The one upside is that I usually catch up on my reading, and I’m doing that in spades right now.
#covid19 #omicron
It’s definitely sleeting now.
A happy life must be to a great extent a quiet life, for it is only in an atmosphere of quiet that true joy can live. —Bertrand Russell
Whatever it is you’re seeking won’t come in the form you’re expecting. —Haruki Murakami
I finished “The Road not Taken” by Max Boot last night. I started this book last year sometime, it’s very good, highly recommended, review to follow soon enough.
It led me to “The Corrosion of Conservatism” by the same author, and that is also a very interesting read…
What an odd batch of days we’ve had here lately.
At some point, a string of odd days becomes common enough to be the new normal, and they are no longer odd.
I wonder if we’ve reached that yet…
My dog is the strangest animal on the planet. Literally.
Thinkin bout goin for a bike ride