This is my standard “no sleep till Brooklyn” arsenal. The wooly hat helps me get my mind right, and the camera gives me something to do while I wait. (at casa de cazadore )

@noblesandwiches will let you order 1/2 and 1/2. This is the closest to Nirvana the human spirit can reach.



One of Emily Kachorek’s new Squid bikes.  What’s not to like?  Can’t wait to see these things at Cross Vegas and around the country this season

Check this out, looks well tasty.

CX1, I love it…it’s going on my cross bike





Flak tower. Used against allied aircraft in Europe. They had an air defense range of 14km and could put up 8,000 rounds in a minute!!!

Some of those were built so strongly the cost of demolishing them to out something else there is so high they might be around in 500 or 1000 years

I want one.

I want to live in one :)

I’m quite the WW2 buff, but I’ve never seen one of the before…


The looks of the BMW S1000RR have slowly grown on me over the years. Its performance specifications definitely don’t hurt to have around. 

By crow_milo on Flickr.

This is a factual statement