It’s 2022 and I’m still standing in line behind people arguing with the cashier about what type of cigarette pack they want. 🙄

It’s good to have the rain back on my window.

Life will kill you eventually.

Have some fun before you go.

  • Me

Oh yeah. Real rain today. This is the remnant of the line that wrecked Dallas yesterday and last night.

KEWX - Super-Res Reflectivity Tilt 1 14:40 CDT #txwx

Well hell, maybe we will actually get some rain today…

KGRK - Super-Res Reflectivity Tilt 1 14:16 CDT #txwx

Does an ending need to be satisfying?

Well, it needs to be SOMETHING…

Knowledge without mileage equals bullshit H.Rollins

Maybe it will rain today after all…

KGRK - Super-Res Reflectivity Tilt 1 16:19 CDT #txwx

We had COVID run rampant through the house again this week. I think it has finally run it’s course now, and on the bright side, we should get like 90 days of near invulnerability!

I have to say, I’m enjoying these morning storms quite a bit.

KGRK - Super-Res Reflectivity Tilt 1 06:59 CDT #txwx

Got a nice little dousing of unexpected, but VERY welcome rain this morning.

Looks like it might be one of those nights…

KGRK - Super-Res Reflectivity Tilt 1 23:42 CDT #txwx

I’ve spent thirty years as an airborne infantryman, I’m a combat veteran, Jumpmaster, Pathfinder, with a CIB and I just woke from a dream where I was fighting a losing battle with a set of mini blinds to get them to hang straight.


My son spent his birthday today laid up with a 101-102 degree fever. Not COVID, we tested first thing this morning, but he’s pretty sick just the same. Seems to be some respiratory bug, cough, body aches, congestion.

He’s in a good mood despite it all, he’s a resilient fellow.

Perhaps I am indeed becoming an old man. I am spending my Friday night reading about Nazi Germany and drinking tea… and I wear readers… #readgoodbooks #dontrepeathistory

I’m fascinated with the @historyhit Shackleton expedition. It’s pretty very super cool.

It’s 30 degrees and snowing. In Texas.

Time to find some nice documentaries and settle in.

I guess since I’ve given up jumping out of airplanes, I’m going to need a new brutally fast motorcycle…

We are limited animals, with unlimited horizons.

E Becker.

It’s rough out there this morning, don’t drive angry.

I really hate being sick.

The one upside is that I usually catch up on my reading, and I’m doing that in spades right now.

#covid19 #omicron