Literary Review.


It’s like proofs in geometry.

Just another morning of listening to my neighbors dog bark and the leaf blowers howl. #suburbia

alien 3

This is far superior to the movie we got instead. @greatdismal is fantastic as always, and Pat Cadigan interprets his screenplay into a very good novel. #amreading #currentread #alien3

I really liked the Saitechi keyboard, but there was always this annoying lag when I started typing. That is not an issue with the Logitech. This is a great setup right here.

I have a hard time imagining a more pretentious word than “bespoke”.

I’m testing my newly aquired MX Keys Mini on my Ipad. 👍🏼

Seems to work pretty doggoned good.

This will definitely replace my Saitechi at work.

Remember, what the door mouse said…

Feed your head

Feed your head…

Add today to the very long list of days that started with my waking to a seriously splitting headache.

Man I always listen to music when I study or do any real work, and lately I find myself most productive when I’m listening to Joe Hisashi. Any and everything composed by this master just makes my mind flow.

If I were still in a position where I had to live in a purely military town, I would have gotten out years ago.

I need to travel to Fort Hood from time to time to remind me just how much I hate this place.

Dang… it’s on tonight huh

KGRK - Super-Res Reflectivity Tilt 1 19:59 CDT #txwx

Taking advantage of the weather today and working at the alternate office.

Well, I’m not totally sure what’s happening in this photograph, but it seems like an entertaining way to spend an afternoon, regardless…

I enjoyed the first one so much, I read the second. These books are a master class in efficient world building, and show not tell. Yes there is exposition, but the dialog and character actions carry the lions share of the burden. Very well done.

#murderbot #marthawells #scifi

I just read the first “Murderbot” book (novella really). I am again amazed that I went this long without knowing about these. They are truly entertaining.

My Letterboxd list of films about revenge from beyond.

The first of my Halloween inspired lists…

Love to hear your comments.

We have an Eastern Screech owl who has been calling my yard home for over ten years. I’m listening to them hoot right now. I always enjoy it.

Man I’ve had a headache for about fifteen straight days.

Is the copper pump worth the labor required to work the extra acre?

I just had a lovely midnight snack with my youngest spawn.

We sauté chickpeas with olive oil, dill, lemon zest, and garlic. Serve it with a splash of lemon and tablespoon of feta and preferably (if we have it, which we did tonight) a few triangles of naan bread.

All this stuff with the collapse of Afghanistan has me pretty bummed out.